A group of Monash students began a peaceful occupation of the Monash University administration building at 1:30pm today, in solidarity with today’s National Day of Action, called by the National Union of Students.
Five students have locked themselves by their necks to a ladder and will remain in the building indefinitely to demand Monash Vice-Chancellor Margaret Gardner resist Abbott government attempts to impose US-style fees on university students.
One student, chained by his neck stated: “This year The National Union of Students has mobilised students for marches and rallies in Melbourne’s CBD to great success.”
He added: “We are a group of ordinary students who feel compelled enough by these changes to actually put our own necks on the line to demand our university administrators take up the fight against what the Coalition are trying to do.”
MSA President Ben Knight said that “the student union will support any peaceful action in support of more accessible education. With less than 20% of Australians support fee deregulation, Minister Pyne and Mr. Abbott need to rethink their legislative agenda.
Monash students will also be joining NUS and other Universities at the National Day of Action in Melbourne this afternoon.