Image Credit: Kathy Willens/AP
Contributor Rafal Alumairy has compiled all the important news of the week, for your reading pleasure. Better yet, they have prepared a live video reading of the news, which you can find below!
The Video Broadcast:
- Eid Mubarak! Ramadan has ended and Muslims are now celebrating a strange Eid at home.
- The oceans are rising and this is leading to rapid erosion, something beachfront communities like Inverloch Victoria are finding out the hard way (The Age).
- Financial services firm AMP is under scrutiny after one of their financial advisers apparently cut and pasted someone’s signature onto a loan without their permission, AMP later went on to pursue her for repayments. AMP is facing a series of class actions and regulatory scrutiny (SMH).
- The PM put aside a $100 million fund for recycling last year, but none of that money has been put into projects yet (SMH).
- A lawyer has been appointed to attempt to prosecute an Afghan War Veteran for war crimes in 2012, including murder of a defenceless prisoner. (SMH)
- A Queensland excavation uncovers a previously unknown species of massive kangaroo, and also finds evidence that climate change is to blame for the demise of these and other megafauna in Australia. (The Guardian).
- 20 people have vandalised the Royal Exhibition Building with red and white tags (The Age)
- Rwandan genocide suspect was arrested in France after 26 years on the run. (Reuters)
- Victoria has indicated its commitment to a deal with the Chinese Government to work with them on future infrastructure programs called the Belt and Road deal. The Commonwealth Government did not sign up to the deal, so they are a bit upset with Victoria. Similarly, Mike Pompeo, Trump’s Secretary of State, said if Victoria’s deal affected the US, the country would quote “simply disconnect” from Australia in terms of security arrangements. Additional concerns have been raised over Chinese firms potentially getting preferential treatment over Victorian firms for jobs, and there are unanswered questions about China’s human rights record.
- There are 5,313,852 cases in the world and 342,141 deaths according to Johns Hopkins, at the time of writing.
- In Australia, we have 7,114 cases and 102 deaths. (The Age)
- Victorian restrictions are relaxed again, from 1 June you can have up to 20 people at your house, with overnight stays at private & tourist accommodation allowed. Libraries, pubs, cafes, museums, religious services, galleries, and other venues may be reopened with up to 20 people per space. From 22 June, gyms will reopen (The Age, ABC).
- Testing closest to Clayton Campus is Monash Health seven days a week and a pop-up testing clinic at Chadstone. The test involves a really long Q-Tip, goes down the back of your throat, and one down each nostril into your sinuses. (Department of Health and Human Services)
- Scott Morrison PM wants states to justify their continued border restrictions. (The Guardian)
- ACTU calls for a $30 a week increase to the minimum wage to support increased spending; businesses say this will lead to more unemployment. (SMH)
- Govt spent $18.9mill on unreliable antibody tests. (The Age)
- The JobKeeper program is actually going to cost about $70 billion, not the $130 billion that the Government originally said. Labor says that since the project is $60bn cheaper than they thought, then the Government should include casual workers in the scheme after all, but the Government said it would not be reallocating that $60 billion. (ABC)
- There are 5,313,852 cases in the world and 342,141 deaths according to Johns Hopkins, at the time of writing.
Thank you for reading and stay safe!
Rafal is a philosophy/literature student at Monash. They are currently writing a book on the history of student radio in Australia. You can learn more about their project here.