

Zoe Elektra

Words by Zoe Kelly

Art by Zoe Elektra


Content warning: reference to mental illness


Imagine the feeling

Of putting glasses on for the first time

That moment you see leaves on the trees

And realise you were missing the feeling

Of feeling alive


Now close your eyes

And imagine you’re walking

Not knowing where you’re going

But feeling every step you take


With the beating of your heart


As you let that thought go

Sit down in this room with me

And take comfort in the way you breathe

Because that’s all we have left

And now it’s so quiet

Now I miss the way it feels to hurt

Or to love

Maybe you could tell me the difference

Or maybe neither of us know

What those feel like anymore


You describe growing up

Like riding a bike

You start with shaky steps

But before you know it

You’re flying

(So why do I still skin my knees on the way down?)

And do you ever wonder what it costs

To pretend that growing can heal us?

I ask myself

If those scars are permanent

Or if I can peel away away the memories

Like paperbark between my fingers

And forget


I walk with eyes half closed now

In that place between light and dark

Because the light still hurts my eyes

Reality slips away

And I let the silence pull me in

Until my mind is not my own anymore

I pull at my own frayed edges

Trying to unravel them

As if they could give me a reason 

To hold onto the feeling

Of feeling alive


So tell me I’m crazy

To chase something already gone

But I just want to open my eyes

Without hurting

I just want

To see those leaves again


Zoe Kelly

The author Zoe Kelly

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