
Beginnings and Endings

Words by Shraddha Iyer


Beginnings and endings


I discovered my love for writing when I was quite young.

When I would write in my head 

before I went to bed 

before I fell into sleep 

Instead of counting sheep 


That’s also when I realised that there was a blurry line 

Between a habit and an obsession

Just as you don’t know where the sea ends 

And where the ocean begins 

But then again 

Beginnings and endings are always blurry 


I thought I would miraculously remember everything I wrote at night 

But when morning came I couldn’t remember 

I would wake up with spite 

Annoyed that I would write 

in my head and not under a light 

Because everything I had thought of would turn to dust 

All around me but I could not see it 

I could not grasp it 


So waking up with spite 

That became a habit too 

Two nights became three

and then twenty two.

I could not stop. I tried. 

Sorry I lied 

I did not want to stop. 


I still haven’t stopped 

but now 

I do actually write it down 

Is it a habit? passion?

Or an obsession?


I don’t have the answer 

But what I do know is that 

I did it everyday 

Simply because I loved it in every way 


If you love something so fiercely 

Fight for it sincerely 

Chase it. 

Chase it until you hunt it down. 

And remember 


‘Practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent’


Shraddha Iyer

The author Shraddha Iyer

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