
Edition 5 of Lot’s Wife is out now. We would like to thank all those who contributed to this edition through written and visual contributions.

We also want to thank our partners at the MSA Welfare Department and MSA Disabilities & Carers Department for collaborating with us on the edition.

This edition will be published online only and can be viewed here.


In this edition of Lot’s Wife, we have collaborated with the Monash Student Association (MSA) Welfare Department, Disabilities & Carers Department, and the Mental Health and Resilience Committee to bring you an issue that focuses on disability and mental health. We hope this edition gives you all more insight into the array of individual perspectives and experiences at Monash, to learn more about something you weren’t aware of, or perhaps to see your own experiences reflected in our pages. 

We cannot ignore the fact that 1 in 5 people struggle with mental health issues, and the recent turbulence of the COVID-19 pandemic has only exacerbated personal struggles. Many mental illnesses are still deeply stigmatised, and mental health is inextricably linked to broader issues of inequality.

With over 4.4 million Australians having some form of disability, it is also crucial that society more greatly appreciates the perspective of disabled people. As many of you will know from personal experience, disabled people face intense discrimination, and many invisible disabilities aren’t taken seriously. 

In this edition, we hope to provide a space for discussion of mental health and disability, from informative pieces about navigating Monash Counselling, to poems and short stories that explore disability and mental health through a creative lens. Experiences of mental illness and disability are varied, and so too are the pieces in this edition: while many deal with dark themes – we encourage readers to check the content warnings preceding some pieces – there are also moments of love, hope and acceptance.

This edition also looks at important issues worldwide, from climate change and sustainability to pro-democracy protests and the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. The last few months have been extremely turbulent for the entire world. As we move towards the end of the year, we are bound to see more unprecedented events, both at home and abroad. We urge you all to use your voice during these times to share your opinion and provide a glimpse into your worldview.

We offer a tremendous thanks to everyone who contributed to this edition. As a student magazine, our goal is to amplify the voices of students. We hope that with this issue, we have helped to share your voices.

Until next time,

The Lot’s Wife Team

Lot's Wife Editors

The author Lot's Wife Editors

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