
I’m sorry, it’s my fault

Words and Art by Zoe Eleanor


I’m sorry, I wore that dress.

I’m sorry, I drank too much.


I’m sorry, I was dancing.

I’m sorry, I was at the party.


I’m sorry, for your hands 

wrapping themselves around my waist..

I’m sorry, I froze.

I’m sorry, I couldn’t find my voice.

I’m sorry, I tried to push away.


I’m sorry, your hands left me bruised

in more ways than one.

I’m sorry you made me hate my body,

that I couldn’t look at myself for a month. 


I’m sorry that you claimed 

my body as your own.

I’m sorry that I let you.


I’m sorry you thought it was ok,

I’m sorry you’re the reason,

I no longer trust. 


But most of all, I’m sorry that you’ve made me feel sorry,

at all.

Zoe Eleanor

The author Zoe Eleanor

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