Words by Caitlin Graham
Art by Caitlin Graham
I am grateful to have been given life, in any form
Because I have received so much of it already.
I have received love and light, but it has also been taken
I have been immersed in a dream that’s too beautiful to be fake
I have only fallen in love enough times to fill my soul
Every day, that love becomes more about me and there is less for him.
The universe clearly has its favourites.
In some aspects, yes, I am one of them,
But I also became aware that
I was a child who had to grow old, so young.
And I don’t know if this feeling will last forever,
But I do know it will not consume me.
My longing to be understood becomes balanced
On my desire to understand, all that is ahead for me,
And the road ahead paves a unique walkway for me, and only me,
Far beyond my tainted childhood imagination.
One that is far and free,
And long and varied.
Because this one is the best life, better than the ones before
And better than the ones that are still yet to come.
So I will thank him for his input–
But the party (for us) is thankfully over