


The Burden of Proof: Mathematics, Gender Performativity, and Delusion

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Good Lord! They are appraising me! —Lady Elizabeth Murray, Belle When The Mates walk in, I avert my gaze and tuck my hair behind my ears. To my left, a friend prints a title, pauses, erases, rewrites. To my right, another checks the volume on their tablet, mutes, un-mutes, then mutes again. The group behind us, mere seconds ago debating the effect of water on excretion, watch their inhibition walk through the door and take its rightful place in the front row. Seven minutes have lapsed since most students convened for today’s class, but a workshop in the absence of
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Bar Jokes and Breakdowns ; Shiva Baby and the (False) Paradox of Stressful Comedies

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What better way to welcome the academic year than with what is possibly the most nerve-wracking film about post-grad anxiety to date?  Shiva Baby (2020) is a comedy film that takes place at a shiva, a Jewish week-long mourning ritual for immediate relatives of the deceased, and follows Danielle (Rachel Sennot), a college senior, who, like many college seniors, is met with a barrage of questions about what their post-grad plans look like at every family gathering. It’s a time that dictates the climax of a young person’s life with decisions that will, supposedly, pave the path towards the rest
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The voices of Afghan women: A mini essay series

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Words by Isabelle Zhu-Maguire Art by Hella   Introduction Reading the news is exhausting and scary. There is never a day  you are not bombarded with information about terrible happenings in the world.    Scarier still, is all the news stories you hear that go in one ear and out the other. The information  you read and then forget. Just because youforget about a news story, does not mean it stops happening, people will still suffer.    I organised this essay mini-series for the millions of us who have forgotten.    You are about to read the opinions of women
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Afghan Women Back to the Limbo

IMG-20220619-WA0012 – Isabelle Zhu-Maguire
Words by Mavi Art by Hella   Following the Taliban takeover in 2021, the Taliban promised that women would be afforded their rights, whether in work, education, or society. Now the Taliban ask women to stay at home and wear head-to-toe burqas, the rules which the Taliban applied between 1996 and 2001. The list of Taliban infringements on the rights of women and young ladies is long and developing. The Taliban designated an all-male cabinet. They removed the Service of Women’s Issues and supplanted it with the Service of Bad habit and Ideals, which issued the foremost later arrangement. They
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Educational and Economic Perspective of Afghan Women During the Past 20 Years

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Words by Arezo Art by Hella   When we talk about educational and economic aspects of afghan women, the first think that comes in our minds are closed schools, educational boundaries, financial dependency and so on. But do they deserve all of these and how was this trend before shifting the regime? This series will focus on education and economic outlook of Afghan women before and after the Taliban takeover. First and foremost, Afghan girls had grown in education aspect rapidly, and they had accessed to the most competitive universities and competitions. For instance, all- girls afghan robotic team, known
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Their guns and my art plate

Words by Hadia Art by Hadia's Sister   “Art is sin, a waste of time, God will punish you for drawing and creating artwork”   I was holding my head low in front of a group of teachers in the Islamic Sharia Law faculty. They always invited students from the Fine Arts faculty to guide them to their so-called “Path of righteousness”.    They told me this to stop me from drawing women without their scarves on the street and on the internet, to teach me modesty and how to be a submissive typical Afghan woman.    I had no
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Voices of Hope

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Words by Nadia Art by Hella   “Only women can help save Afghanistan, women have made history, be one of them, Do not cower, you have the fighter’s blood in your veins, know that I may not be by your side all the time, make the future you proud of you, raise your voice when your rights are violated and roar like a lioness” I was sitting beside my beloved father, who was spending his last days suffering from cancer before the Taliban’s invasion. His words still give me the strength to fight against the injustice imposed on men and
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Afghan girls deprived of going to school

IMG_3069 – Isabelle Zhu-Maguire
Words by Shaiysta and Nilofar Art by Aziza   It has been almost 10 months and Afghan girls are still struggling to go to school. These young women have a desire to be educated and become  experts in their fields. In Afghanistan, girls’ education has always been affected due to insecurity, lack of options, and poverty. Cultural norms in particular have affected their right to an education (Bamik 2018). Following the U.S. and NATO troops’ withdrawal from Afghanistan, on August 15, 2021, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and reinstated their initial government strategy. This included  restricting high school education for
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Thank you, but the party is over

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Words by Caitlin Graham Art by Caitlin Graham   I am grateful to have been given life, in any form Because I have received so much of it already.   I have received love and light, but it has also been taken I have been immersed in a dream that’s too beautiful to be fake   I have only fallen in love enough times to fill my soul Every day, that love becomes more about me and there is less for him.   The universe clearly has its favourites. In some aspects, yes, I am one of them,   But
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Recollections of Girlhood

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Words by Hannah Scott Art by Postmodern Puke   An ode to Fleabag. Men create Gods and unholy things to submit to. They forge wars and chaos to relinquish themselves in blood and gore. I was born with it running on a cycle inside me. They create covenants and commandments to feel guilty. And when they are not trying to kill each other, they toss one another in sweat and mud and call it sport so that they can touch each other. Men crave it. The blood. Pain. Horror. Pleasure. In my frail subtle feminine bones, I contain all of
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I wasn’t designed for this

samaharris_1 – Sama Harris
Words by Anonymous Art by Sama Harris   I never thought I’d fall in love. I genuinely thought that when I got older, I would have an arranged marriage out of convenience and have children together. There would be no passion or desire, but rather a simple life where my husband and I would be content. I never saw myself as someone who could be desired or be in a romantic relationship. I thought I was not designed for that exciting phase of life that everyone else gets to experience.   Then I met my current partner and everything that
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I Was Beautiful

woman with dead flowers – Monica Ouk
Words by Olivia Tait Art by Mon Ouk   I find myself scrolling Instagram, Facebook and Tiktok far too often. There, I find cringy content, tastefully humorous videos, politically correct educational content that is way too deep for my 3am thoughts, and not-so-sexy thirst traps of men twice my age.  And, when I click on the comment section of most social media content, I am greeted with comments  which focus on the physical features of the content creators. Beautiful. Hot. Ugly. Sexy. Glow down. Glow up. The list goes on and on until the post becomes stripped of its purpose,
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