
Student Affairs

AnalysisCampusStudentStudent Affairs

Greenwashing, Gag Orders and a Gas Extraction Empire– The Case to Kick Woodside off Campus

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Woodside is terrifying.    When I say Woodside, I’m not talking about the Engineering building– the Woodside Building for Technology and Design, on our own Clayton Campus, is an energy-efficient architectural masterpiece with a slew of design awards. Built in 2019-2020, and opened at an online launch in between lockdowns, it’s the only building on campus that doesn’t use gas for power. That isn’t the ‘Woodside’ I dread.   I’m talking about the name plastered on its side, Woodside, standing for the mining company known as Woodside Energy, formerly Woodside Petroleum (before they merged with BHP). The oil and gas-extracting
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CampusNewsStudentStudent Affairs

Academic Board Undergraduate Student Representatives Report

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What is the Academic Board? The Academic Board serves as the principal academic body of the University, responsible for maintaining high standards in teaching and research. It operates under the Monash University Statute and Council Regulations. Membership of the Board includes the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Faculty Deans, Deputy Deans, Heads of Department, and elected staff and students.   The Board establishes Standing Committees to assist in its functions, including the Steering Committee, University Education Committee (UEC), Monash University Research Committee, and the Graduate Research Committee (GRC). These committees oversee various aspects of academic affairs, from managing urgent business to ensuring excellence
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CampusStudentStudent Affairs

Shouts and Whispers: Student Activism, Outcomes, and Experiences

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Thomas (Tio) White (he/they) is one of the MSA Environmental and Social Justice Officers When most people think about student activism, they think that they don’t know enough to participate. They think that the issue is too complicated, isn’t about them, or not a part of their direct university experience.  Somewhat predictably, as one the 2024 Environment and Social Justice Officers, I don’t think it has to be this way. I want to offer an alternative way of viewing this space of student empowerment and advocating for change. Student activism and student experience are not necessarily mutually exclusive, where an
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The Case for SFR Reinstatement

When the Academic Board met, and voted on the proposed extension of the Academic Safety Net back on 16 June, they split it into three separate components: Vote 1 – Component A: The Satisfied Faculty Requirements (SFR) provision, whereby a student could convert all of their passing grades to a blanket ‘SFR’ grade. Vote 2 – Component B: Withdrawing fail marks from your transcript completely. Vote 3 – Component C: Unlimited supplementary assessments. With a considerable lobbying effort – and against the official recommendation from the Board’s Education Committee – the five student representatives managed to salvage Components B and
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CampusStudent Affairs

The Pandemic Generation | First-Year Residents at Monash

Studying at university is already an incredibly challenging experience. It only gets harder when you do it while living away from the comforts of home. Then imagine undertaking your degree during a global pandemic which brings to a halt society around you. This one takes the cake. For countless first-years living at Monash, 2020 was supposed to be their year to start one of the biggest adventures of their life. They were to fulfil this rite of passage in what should have been a year filled with new friends, memories, and personal growth.  Our first-year living on campus at Monash
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Chinese nationals clash with Hong Kong demonstrators

Tensions simmered as pro-Beijing activists mounted a counter-demonstration and tried to break up a pro-democracy student demonstration at Clayton Campus today. By late afternoon, approximately 40-50 Monash students had gathered on the walkway between the Religious Centre and Guzman y Gomez to protest the recent attempted extradition bill in Hong Kong. Members of the pro-democracy group stated they had been protesting at various locations across campus since 11:30am, and were being followed by a smaller pro-Beijing student group. Protests have reached fever pitch in Hong Kong yesterday as tens of thousands filled Hong Kong’s streets for the fifth consecutive day,
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Rumblings in the Music Department

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Last year, there were cuts to the arts faculty. Staff were laid off, contact hours decreased, class sizes increased, and learning content was moved online. The dramatic changes were obvious to everyone; and thanks to the public posters, meetings and protests on campus throughout the year - difficult to ignore. Quietly, the cuts made their way into the halls of the loudest faculty on campus, the music school. This is where I study Classical Composition. During October last year, near the end of the second semester, students in the Classical Composition stream and the Creative Music Technology stream were notified
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CampusStudent Affairs

PSA from your Education (Academic Affairs) Team!

It’s Week 9 here at Monash. We’re getting to the stage where students feel increasingly isolated. Exams are creeping closer, and major assessments are being submitted and returned. Study consumes our daily life, and most of our work is done solo and online, without the help of peers and without physical interaction. This is a tough time for many students. Issues frequently arise such as the late return of assignments, lack of substantive feedback, limited practice questions and study spaces. Tens of thousands of Monash students believe they have not been provided with the resources and assistance necessary to prepare
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AnalysisCampusStudentStudent Affairs

Increased Indigenous Engagement in Tertiary Education  

As Indigenous enrolment in tertiary education continues to climb, issues which adversely affect the retention and potential enrolments of Indigenous students become even more apparent. A 2015 Charles Darwin University study found that from 2007 to 2013 there has been an increase of Indigenous enrolment in tertiary education, by 45 per cent. However, the study also reported a large disparity with completion rates, with indigenous students far more likely to dropout. The enrolment numbers continue to grow with Indigenous Bachelor of Science student at Monash University. One of the Indigenous Officers for the Monash Student Association (MSA) Krystal De Napoli said:
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Student live tweets 3 hour Tutorial

Just Another Sleep Deprived Uni Student: @rip_rotunda2363 | 1:57 pm  Do I have time to grab a mango magic from @boostjuiceoz before my tute?    2:02 pm  Turns out, I did not.    2:04 pm I should really invest in a shirt with ‘Shows up 10 minutes late to class with a Boost’ on the front    2:06 pm  If only classes still started 5 past the hour I would have been on time …    2:09 pm  For the love of God why did I put up my hand when the tutor asked who HADN’T done the reading   
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Re: No lecture recordings or laptops in this unit 

  Dear Professor,    I write in reply to your email regarding your policy to not release lecture recordings for this unit or to not allow the use of laptops to take notes during your lectures. While you argue that both these policies ensure a heightened learning experience for your students, it is my argument that your policies are in fact detrimental to your students’ learning.    Students these days work to eat. Government payments that low-income students receive are not enough. Without a part-time job to fill the gap, a choice is made between paying the bills and eating. An article
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